If you want to cancel your booking in the event of Coronavirus the usual cancellation conditions apply. In that case you can cancel online via the login screen on the right.
If you want to cancel your booking in the event of an incident/strike, or if your booking is not displayed here, please call the NS International Service Center at +31 30 2300023 (local rate).
Please enter the booking code and the e-mail address associated with your booking to view or cancel tickets purchased online or by phone.
Only paid entries can be displayed. Entries made via Thalys.nl of Thalys.com cannot be displayed.
Tickets purchased at the station or with a travel agent, can be changed or cancelled respectively at one of the NS International counters in the service office or at your travel agent.
In all cases, it is only possible to cancel train tickets if the rate conditions of your ticket permits it.
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